965 61 71 02 - Plaza España, 1 - Oficinas en Avda. Foia de Castalla, 10 - 03109 TIBI ajuntament@tibi.es

Favorable environmental and strategic territorial report – Sector 4 Finca Terol

The Environmental Evaluation Commission has issued a favorable environmental and strategic territorial report in the simplified procedure for strategic environmental and territorial evaluation of the Partial Plan of Sector 4 Finca Terol de Tibi in accordance with the criteria of Annex VIII of the LOTUP, considering that it does not have significant effects on the environment.
With this we are another step further towards the final approval and future execution of the Partial Plan of Sector 4 of Finca Terol that is increasingly closer.

Environmental report – Sector 4 Finca Terol: Download