965 61 71 02 - Plaza España, 1 - Oficinas en Avda. Foia de Castalla, 10 - 03109 TIBI ajuntament@tibi.es

The Tibi Town Hall invites all residents and clubs to participate in the next meeting to be held on Friday, June 7, at 8:30 PM in the Municipal Auditorium. This meeting will address the following agenda:

  1. Activity Programming: Activities to be carried out in the municipality in the coming months will be discussed and planned.
  2. Proposals for Activities by Clubs and Residents and Possibilities for Change: There will be a space for clubs and residents to present their activity proposals, and the possibilities of making changes to the existing programming will be analyzed.

The meeting will be an excellent opportunity for all the citizens of Tibi to actively participate in community life and contribute with their ideas and suggestions.

Date and Time: Friday, June 7, at 8:30 PM.
Place: Municipal Auditorium of Tibi.

Don’t miss it, your participation is important to build a better Tibi together.
