965 61 71 02 - Plaza España, 1 - Oficinas en Avda. Foia de Castalla, 10 - 03109 TIBI ajuntament@tibi.es

Maigmo’s natural gate


Call for Meeting: Tibi Town Hall for Clubs / Residents
The Tibi Town Hall invites all residents and clubs to participate in the next meeting to be held on Friday, ...
VI Concurso fachadas navideñas
VI Facade decoration competition for Christmas motifs The magic of Christmas is knocking on our doors, and this year we ...
Concurso de Tarjetas de Navidad
V CHRISTMAS CARD CONTESTThe magic of Christmas is about to envelop Tibi, and what better way to celebrate than by ...
Marcha Solidaria contra el Cáncer Tibi
This Sunday, October 29, Tibi has been dyed pink again in the VI March against Cancer organized by the Tibi ...
XVII Fira Tradicional
Tibi se llena de artesanía, tradiciones, gastronomía local, comercio y asociacionismo con la XVII Feria Tradicional de Artesanía y Oficios ...
Actions of the municipal government before COVID-19
Since the beginning of this unexpected situation, the government team has acted as quickly as possible following the established recommendations ...


Pharmacies on call


Office hours in TIBI:
From Monday to Friday
from 09:30 to 10:30

IBI office phone:
965 55 23 90

All the News

Stay informed of what is happening in Tibi


Useful telephone numbers

Public transport

Bus schedules

Events and calendar

Check here the calendar of events, with all the activities programmed by the City Council.

El tiempo - Tutiempo.net

Information to the citizen



City Hall




Tibi Swamp

The swamp of Tibi is located about 18 kilometers northeast of Alicante, built on the Monnegre River, between the hills of La Cresta and Mos del Bou.

It is one of the oldest hydraulic water retention and distribution works in Europe.

Gobierno Provincial de Alicante
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